If you go to Amalfi, a MUST stop is the island of Capri.. tiny, posh, lifestlyes of the rich and famous (And they let US on, somehow?!) We took a ferry to the island and then a skipper to what we thought was the Blue Grotto (Which we were excited about bc i'd read and heard that the seas can be iffy in April).. well, what was lost in translation was the we were seeing the "mini-blue-grotto" and NOT the real deal. Oh well. We still enjoyed the ride (well 3 of us did.. will let you figure out if you can see who was the nervous boater) and ended up on the opposite side of the island where we got in a fantastic hike with even better views. Include lunch on a sunny terrace with some gelato and cameo shopping for good measure and it was pretty much a perfect day.
