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Writer's picturemackenzie8433

{gaudy, Gaudi, gaudere, gaudir}

Antonio Gaudi, famous turn of the century Catalan architect, has his signature all over Barcelona, and was a highlight of our trip. I'd heard that the English adjective "gaudy" was attributed to the architect's over the top designs, but it turns out, the adjective was around long before the 1900's when he came on the scene. I find it interesting that one theory is that the word gaudy is derived from the french word "gaudir," meaning "to rejoice or jest," which came in turn from the Latin "gaudere," meaning "to rejoice or delight in." And that we certainly did! First up was our tour of the Sagrada Familia, the iconic Basicilia that has been under construction since 1882. Gaudi spent 40 years of his life designing much of this enormous masterpiece and it truly is something to behold. It's only like 40% complete I believe. There will one day be 18 spires (there are now only 8): 12 for the disciples and 4 for the prophets, 1 for Mary and the tallest for Jesus. I'll quit talking and let the pictures do it for me ;) There will be 3 facades: Gaudi's nativity which he mostly finished himself. The Passion, which he mostly designed but another arcitect carried out. It is a stark contrast to the nativity, but just as moving. The 3rd will be the Glory facade, and it's still under construction. We planted the seed in the kids that they will have to carry on the tradition and bring their children to see it and perhaps it will be closer to completion by then! And yes, I chose not to photoshop the cranes out of the photos. It's a work in progress and I prefer to document it as we saw it. Perhaps I will see it in all it's glory in my lifetime and take another photo when it's done! * ps.. they had a kids audio tour that was great! They were really engaged and we spent a good amount of time here with no complaining AT all. I did pre-purchase our tickets and that was a MUST. Even in the winter in off season, the line was wrapped around the church. that would NOT have made for happy campers!

Park Guell - this was supposed to be a fancy suburb that never got built out, but the grounds and a few buildings remain. Colorful, {gaudy Gaudi}, with blue skies to boot. It was fantastic! We also toured his home here, which definiltey mirrored his style. Great time the kids to run around and actually complain about being hot for the first time in 2.5 months!

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