we had an appt scheduled this monday.. she had a valid excuse for canceling.. brain surgery. Little miss addi faith has cancer and I'd like to share her story with you. I thought you all would like to hear it and do what you can to help this sweet family.
I met them 2 yrs ago when addi was born. They doted on their little miracle baby and their sweet brothers were so glad to have her as a part of their lives. Then I saw them again last year...
here is their story:
This is the Bender family. They are the most caring and loving parents you will ever meet. These three children are their entire world.
is in Kindergarten at Shadow Forest Elementary. Riley is in 4 year old pre-school at Good Shepherd.
is almost 2 and fighting cancer. Thanks to Amber’s instinct, Addi had an MRI that found a brain tumor. It is called AT/RT . She was in the hospital ALL summer and has been undergoing Chemo and Proton Radiation ever since. She has just recently been put back into the hospital with a new tumor. It is unknown at this time how it will affect her recovery. Addi’s care is very time consuming and expensive. Her co-pays can get up to $800 a month and the parking alone can be $75 a week. She will max out her lifetime insurance policy soon and Medicaid will have to take over. Tony has very good insurance but doctor appointments and medicines are expensive. Tony and Amber are the last people that would ever ask for help so as their friends, we are asking for them. Tony has started Addi’s Faith Foundation with the intention of raising thousands of dollars for pediatric brain tumor research. They will put any money that is not needed for medical care into this foundation.
has a website on www.carepages.com. When you get on the site, register and then get on the site using addifaith. Amber has posted her entire story on the page. It is a great place to read her story and get inspired by the love and faith this family has shown through such a horrific time. Please pray for
and help us raise money for a little girl that deserves some much needed hope! There will be a benefit for her on Nov. 17th at
. We are having it at the Barrington Manor House. There will be food, wine, beer, and a silent auction. Tickets are $100 a couple and $50 a single. Tickets can be bought from Traci Ferris. Call 281-361-6840 or email at mntferris@embarqmail.com. She has an account set up at Compass Bank under the name Addison Faith Bender.
When I heard from Amber I knew I had to do something. I thought about all of you that have come into my life, and knew you were the ones to help. I know you all love your kids more than life itself and your heart hurts when another mother hurts. I also encourage you to sign up for their carepages webpage. you'll be blessed by their faith and courage! So, thank you for doing what you can to help this sweet family.