wouldn't you say!? I've been working early in the a.m. to try and beat the heat... and even then, like yesterday at 9am, we were all sweating 5 minutes into the shoot (well, I was at least.. jumping up and down to get these two to crack a smile!) I must say, our efforts were nicely rewarded =)
speaking of jumping up and down.. here's some of my favorite families to break out all my tricks for. I taught with this mom in my teacher days and she and her sis were some of my first clients. 4 yrs and 3 kids later (6 kids between the 2 of them), we have some precious photos to show for our hours of singing wheels on the bus, peek-a-boos and remember "Buddha belly?" (you'll have to ask her about that one).
first there was K: (I wish I had the old negatives from when she was just born.. but this is from when I finally went digital)
then came a much anticipated precious brother
and the newest addition makes three:
thanks for sticking with me all these years.. it's been a pleasure to watch them grow!
Now, fast forward 10 yrs and here's what the you have to look forward to =)
thanks, Sarah, Lauren and Greg for making me look good! .. I didn't have to sing the "itsy bitsy spider" once! not that our session was completely devoid of clowning around..
here's a favorite of caden hanging out in the grass. when mom put him in that outfit and I immediately headed outdoors to add some green to the mix. who needs indoor backdrops when nature provides us with the most vivid ones for free!
i just needed to get down there with him for a few..
now here's some fun shots (see menke in recent shoots) that I couldn't help grouping for a quick collage. good call, mom, on the tulips.. although they're merely a compliment to the real scene stealer, a certain blue eyed blondie =)
here's a couple of photos I'd like to share with you with a family that I've quickly grown to love. for a couple of reasons really. one, they love me back! some people are just gifted to make you feel all special and warm and cozy and this mom is one of them. another reason is how much they love this boy! all parents radiate warmth and emotion towards their children, really.. I see it all the time, but a few are just so smitten with every inch of yuminess, every grin, every action... And here's an appropriate ph
oto of their little superstar taking center stage.
Perhaps they have so much joy and devotion towards their sweet one because they loved and lost the other apple of their eye just a year before his birth. They released a balloon so his brother in heaven could celebrate with them.
happy birthday sweet "M" and thanks mom, for making me appreciate my little ones all the more. thanks for checking in, everyone.