lots of little boys to share this week! here's mr caden. you might recognize him as he's a chubbyfoot regular =) next time I see him, he'll probably be walking! and check out this face!! I almost wet my pants laughing when we busted this out! here's the mckeons loving on their handsome fella.. thanks for coming out you guys!
another sweet one you might recognize..
mr. alex a year ago:
and at a year:
and i know this about the boys, but he has a super duper cute big sis that I couldn't resist posting =)
and just a couple of my "boys" to share from this week: do you see something missing in this picture??? =) and here's what we did all weekend, and about 90% of all weekends since April: this is his cypress gardens number =)
the kids aren't carving it up yet.. but they're still enjoying life behind the wake
more to come.. thanks for checking!