I hope you like it, because I'm pretty excited! I love the "wallpaper", the simplicity and the fact that I only have 1 site to update now! It's still a work in progress, so check back in a day or two and see what's new.
But in the meantime, take a scroll through and tell me what you think!
* I'm really excited about the "UPCOMING" tab. I've planned out my life and travels for the next 7 months, so you can see what's on the horizon.
* my calendar is synced to my fancy new iMac, iPhone and laptop so I can change it frequently and always keep it up-to-date! Sweet!
* Just one more day to vote for your favorite christmas card and you can do it here!
I'll draw a name on Monday morning bright and early. So mark your calendar to grab your cup a joe and tune back in for the winner!