Thanks for indulging me for a couple of days while I gave a shout out to mr chubbyfoot on our anniverary :) Now back to the regularly scheduled blogging! To continue with our nature-adventure May holiday, we headed about 3 hours southeast from Slovenia to northern Croatia to another must-see on my bucket list: Plitvice National Park.
Have you heard of it? Like Lake Bled, I had seen the photos of Plitvice and knew I wanted to go! Waterfalls, lakes and more waterfalls! We were going to try and add it to our summer Croatia trip, but opted instead to see it in May in conjunction with the Slovenian trip. It's a little out of the way from whichever direction you are coming, but is CERTAINLY worth it. I'll refrain from saying much more and let the pictures do the talking.
Are you ready?? :)