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Writer's picturemackenzie8433

Seeking sun and halloumi in Cyprus {1 of 2}

As I type this on March 26th, I guess its time to tell you that this Cyprus trip was the first in a series of "last hurrahs" for us here in Europe. We know that we'll be moving this summer (although not exactly where OR when!?) but for sure our time in Belgium is coming to a close. (will keep you posted on those few details when I know them myself!!) I'll save the waxing poetic for later { there will be plenty of time for that } but from here on out my goal is to share with you all the fabulous last adventures on my bucket list that I could talk the mr. into letting me go on before we leave! :)

So, first up is Cyprus. The kids had a week off in February, and since dad couldn't go skiing with us, I wanted to go somewhere sunny and warm instead. Have you heard of it? Here's a map in case you're rusty on your Mediterranean geography..

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