well, we were in our new house for one week, then headed out to Gulf Shores with some of our family. It was our first time, and I hate to say it, but we'll be headed back to Destin next year. It's just not the same.. sorry, Alabama! Of course, we had a great time just because we were all together. the motley crew... love these beach loungers in the pic... this was daddy's idea. I read 2 books last week. Cheslea Handler's book - which kept me laughing the whole time, and this one. I'd highly recommend it. "aunt honey" and our fun cousins! T-Tom in his favorite spot. canon in her favorite spot =) in the sea oats. she survived the tooth drama and now can smile about it!
Ok - so I have SO many photos to post. And since I'm keeping my behind here for 3 whole weeks, you better believe I'm going to play catch up! So be checking back and thanks for being patient.